It’s been about 4 months since I began eating gluten free. Most of the time I do pretty well with it. The thought of feeling as tired as I used to and breaking out with ugly acne around my jaw line, keeps me away from gluten for the most part. I can’t lie though, I have cheated. Until I got caught, that is. I was tasting some, warm just out of the oven, oatmeal cookies that I baked for the kids, you know, just making sure they were edible. When I was about to grab a third one my son, Christian, says to me, “Hey, you’re not supposed to be eating that! It has wheat in it!” I know, I know…shame on me! So, yes, I have my kids to thank for keeping me on track, making sure that I don’t eat wheat (or their goodies).
With today's hustle and bustle , it seems like I'm constantly running out the door hungry...not so good when you're about to pick up a car load of wild children. So, I had to find something quick, yummy and gf to snack on while on the road. I stopped by my local Fresh & Easy to see what I could find. I found the most delightful and nutritious little snack ever, the KIND bar. These little bars are sooo good and have protected the children from the wrath of a hungry mommy...I just love 'em! BTW, they can also be found at your local Starbuck's now!
If you're like me, I can't, for the life of me, think straight when I'm hungry. Keeping easy snacks around is helpful since I don't really sit down and have a full meal when its just me. So here are a few ideas to keep the bear away. I keep a few hard boiled eggs in the fridge, getting your five (or is it 8 now?) servings of fruits and veggies is also important. Yogurt, especially Greek style yogurt, helps to satisfy hunger pangs. But my favorite is Riceworks chips with a side of delicious home made hummus! The really nice thing about hummus is that it stays good for 7 days when refrigerated in an air tight container. Below is a recipe, courtesy of for thee best hummus!
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